Jobs in Pakistan
Verification & Distribution Officer
Job ResposibilitiesCoordiate with ew cliets or existig clietsProvide leads to subscribed professioals after verificatioUpdate...
Senior Recruiter
We are seekig a cadidate who has prior work experiece i recruitmet.ResposibilitiesIdetifyig future hirig eeds ad developig...
Client Engagement Representative
A Customer Egagemet Represetative (CER) is resposible for sellig a compay's products or services to potetial ad existig customers. Their primary...
Communication Manager
- Idetify ad establish relatioships with key idustry publicatios ad media i Pakista.- Support ad maage exteral advertisig campaigs.-...
Compliance Executive
Job Descriptio:Experieced Eco Submissios Admiistrator with a strog track record i esurig compliace through detailed auditig of pre...
Social Media Department - Intern
Job Descriptio:Aura Commuicatio is a iovative Advertisig Agecy based i Lahore that serves as a ed-to-ed marketig ad commuicatios...
Business Development Executive UK
Job Descriptio:Alpha Itellisese is a dyamic IT compay based i Lahore, Pakista, specializig i iovative iformatio techology ad services....
Business Development Executive
Job Descriptio: Develop ad execute a growth strategy focused o both customer satisfactio ad fiacial gai.Coduct research to idetify...
Accountants & Financial Analysts For An Australian BPO
Accoutats & Fiacial Aalysts For A Australia BPOAccouts Automated is a leadig accoutig firm based i Sydey, Australia. We provide...
Supervisor / Team Leader (3 Years Of Experience As A Team Leader In Call Center)- Night Shift -
Supervisor / Team Leader (3 Years Of Experiece As A Team Leader I Call Ceter) - Night Shift - Global Touch, Pakista Global...