AboutJobs.com is an on-line recruitment and job posting network that provides career resources and employment information to anyone looking for a job. We also provide services to employers looking to use the power of the Internet to find employees to fill positions across North America and around the world. AboutJobs.com attracts hundreds of thousands of eager job seekers each month who are looking for full-time jobs, part-time work, internships, summer jobs, opportunities to work in a resort and the hospitality industry, and overseas jobs and contracting work.
AboutJobs.com Network
AboutJobs.com shares its philosophy with its partner sites in the AboutJobs.com Network, which includes InternJobs.com (internships and entry-level positions), OverseasJobs.com (professional positions abroad), InternationalJobs.com (professional positions with an international spin, both in the US and abroad), SummerJobs.com (positions at camps, amusements parks, and more), SeasonalJobs.com and ResortJobs.com (ski resorts, national parks, hotels, spas and worldwide resorts). Visit all of our sites and explore a new world of career opportunities.
Serving thousands of employers since 1997, the AboutJobs.com Network is a leading, trusted career portal with an established reputation and a worldwide audience.