Jobs in Malaysia
Software Developer Intern
Shah Alam
As iters you will be required to:
-Develop web apps ad automate processes o the Joget DX platform.
-Developmet of the Joget...
Customer Experience Executive
Subang Jaya
To iteract with Busiess Parters ad Customers (iteral ad exteral) to address their cocers ad eeds, by always deliverig accurate ad professioal...
HR & Admin Intern
Subang Jaya
- Assist with coordiatio of learig ad developmet iitiatives for all employees
- Uderstad ad be able to explai HR policies ad employee hadbook
Purchasing Assistant
-Maagig purchase orders, overseeig shippig schedules ad maitaiig purchase records
-To establish, update ad cotiually improve the systems ad...
Contract Administrator (Quantity Surveyor)
Subang Jaya
Positio Resposibilities
-Develop ad maitai a comprehesive database of techicias, vedors, ad cotractors.
-Maage a resource directory...
Project Planner
Subang Jaya
-Project Plaig: Assist i developig detailed project plas, schedules, ad timelies, cosiderig factors such as available resources, project specificatios,...
Software Developer
-Ivolve i discussio of ower requiremet, developmet schedule, fuctio block flow diagram, template ad compoets selectio, data sources, implemet...
Customer Experience Intern
Subang Jaya
-To be resposible for hadlig Busiess Parters i the State/state about the Cuckoo Air Coditioig istallatio process ad progress (ed-to-ed process).
Business Development Executive (IT Sales)
Kuala Lumpur
-Developig strategy, tactics, sales plas ad profit targets.
-Developig relatioships with cliets.
-Idetifyig ad reportig o busiess opportuities...
INTERNSHIP Financial Consultant
Kuala Lumpur
Job Descriptio
-Assessig ad evaluatig the cliet’s fiacial eeds ad offerig solutios accordigly.
-Facilitatig cliet to improve their...