Jobs in Indonesia
Microbattle Project Manager
Lead ad review the progress of microbattle project i order to accelerate them ad deliver real values to the compay
Orchestrate ad esure all microbattle...
Product Owner
Operatioalize data processes - provide the team with ad-hoc aalysis, automated dashboards, ad self-service reportig tools so that everyoe gets a good...
Graphic Design Intern
Developig cocepts, layouts, graphics, ad desig for visual desig cotets that speak to the audiece ad is the best above the rest
Supportig the...
Web Developer Internship
Desig, develop ad maitai the Web Page of the platform.
Developig the product, modificatio as required, ad desig database if eeded for developmet
IT Specialist
Help support SAP SD, MM, ad PP teams, as directed from the team for all compaies i the GGF group.
Assistig commuicatio betwee users with the SD,...
Videographer - Internship
Able to visualize storyboard ito video frames
Able to operate camera
Keepig up with curret video-shootig ad editig tred
Ca work i a team ad...
Accounting Staff
Update mothly exchage rates Recociliatio Itercompay.
Closig Uiversal's FS.
Update Real Shipmet, Cost Of Productio, Isurace, COP, mothly...
Pricing Analyst
Perform competitor aalysis o similar products ad services
Idetify ad aalyse existig pricig structures base o data ad market ad give a recomedatio...
Brand Manager
Lead marketig & bradig strategy of dry busiess (Duta, Supride Caed Fruit, Supride Lyfe)
Coordiate & collaborate with iteral ad exteral team...
Assistant Brand Manager Dairy
Lead ad execute sustaiable brad buildig implemetatio for Hometow brad.
Develop ad execute marketig strategy via iteral & exteral collaboratio.