Jobs in Indonesia
Creative Business Analyst - Internship
- Egagig with cliets while uderstadig ad respodig to their iquiries ad eeds
- Workig with multiple teams i various...
Finance and Accounting Staff - Marketeers
Forecast cost ad reveues
- Maage ad make statemet/report of cash flow, icome, tax ad other related reports
- Maage all fiacial activities (accout...
IT Support - Internship
- Resolve techical problem or full request from ed user
- Forward uresolved problem or request to the proper chael of support...
Account Executive
- Maagig the sales process, from sellig, leadig through closig
- Makig aggressive calls follow-up
- Prospectig for ew busiess
Client Engagement Consultant (Intern) - Markplus
- Build a coectio with the busiess leader from various idustries
- Opportuity to joi the traiig, workshop, ad other MarkPlus evets
Business Executive
- Maagig the sales process, from sellig, leadig through closig
- Makig aggressive calls follow-up
- Prospectig for ew busiess
Corporate Communications - Internship
- Maitaiig corporate bradig
- Maitaiig media relatios
- Developig ad creatig corporate social media cotets
- Creatig...
Secretary - Internship
- Schedule ad coordiate appoitmets ad meetigs
- Workig more closely with maagemet ad ote takig
- Scree ad direct phoe...
Administrative - Internship
- Check ad cotrol traiig questioaire documet
- Esurig all documet meets formal required stadards
- Sortig, storig,...
Personal Assisstant to Chairman
- Schedule ad coordiate appoitmets ad meetigs
- Supports a idividual i their daily professioal or persoal life
- Act...