Jobs near New England
Buying Manager
This is a Global food maufacturig busiess, who are goig through sigificat ivestmet ad growth. We are lookig for a experieced Procuremet...
Personal Assistant
Cotract Type: Temporary, Full-time (37.5 hours per week)Salary: Competitive, plus pesio ad beefitsA...
Legal Counsel
I-House Legal Cousel Hutigdo, Ediburgh or Iveress (Hybrid)5+ years PQE£85K...
Quality Assurance Lead
Locatio: CambridgeshireQA LeadWeekeds Oly *Sorry but o sposorship...
People Operations Manager
Ca you lead a dyamic HR team while drivig trasformative chage to build a high-performace culture across a diverse ad evolvig orgaisatio?Do...
Vulnerability Analyst
About the roleAs a Vulerability Aalyst, you will be implemetig a ew techology of vulerability maagemet from...
Senior Contracts Manager
Seior Cotracts MaagerMy Prestige Cliet are a highly successful family ru busiess sice 1988 they are curretly seekig a experieced professioal...
Performance Systems Engineer - Engine / Powertrain
Performace Systems Egieer - Egie / PowertraiPeterborough / Hybrid workig - 3 days o-site per week12...
Solar O&M Technician
ersg is recruitig for a Solar O&M Techicia/Maiteace Egieer o behalf of a major Solar O&M cotractor. The role covers multiple assets across...
System Engineer
PE Global is recruitig a Performace Systems Itegratio Egieer for our multiatioal miig ad costructio cliet based i Peterborough....