Jobs in Pakistan
Account Manager Sales (Sales & Marketing Professional Required)
Able to sell corporate IT solutios by establishig cotact ad developig relatioships with prospects ad recommedig solutios.To maitai...
SEO Manager
We require a Experieced SEO Specialist (Off Page). The selected perso will be resposible for maagig the SEO of all ruig websites ad...
Import And Export Officer
A Import Officer has a wide rage of duties that deal with each step of the shippig process.Import Officers track shipmets ad commuicate with...
Operations Manager (E-Commerce)
Coordiate ad oversee all the processes to completio ad esure all procedures are compliat with compay policies ad guidelies.Maage ad...
Sales & Marketing Manager
We are searchig for a ambitious Marketig Maager to spearhead our marketig campaigs. You will be required to coordiate with staff i other departmets,...
Asst. Manager- Online Marketing
Degree i IT ad/or a Masters i MarketigOlie Campaig Maagemet: Plaig ad executig olie campaigs for strategic products...
Quality Assurance Manager
Develops quality assurace plas by coductig hazard aalyses; idetifyig critical cotrol poits ad prevetive measures; establishig critical limits,...
Branch Manager
Brach Maager Studet Educatio Group, Pakista Studet Educatio Group is lookig for eergetic cadidates for the UK-based Educatioal...
Business Development Manager
The primary role of the Busiess Developmet Maager is to prospect for ew cliets withi advertisig, broadcastig, publishig, educatio, ad ew...
Finance Manager
Positio: Maager FiaceLocatio: Head Office, Koragi Karachi.Preferece: Nearby area (Clifto, DHA, Tariq road,...