Jobs in Egypt
Product Manager - Cards
**Compay Descriptio**
Valu is the leadig uiversal fiacial techology powerhouse, offerig a suite of fiacial services to idividuals ad busiesses....
Automation Engineer
- The Automatio role is reportig to the Egieerig Maager ad is resposible for Plaig ad implemetig related maiteace projects...
Area Sales Engineer - Delta Area
**Compay Descriptio**
Sika is a specialty chemicals compay with a globally leadig positio i the developmet ad productio of systems ad products...
Process Engineer
The Fiite Scheduler is resposible for geeratig the Fiite Schedule i agreemet with Operatios, based o available capacity ad materials,...
Customer Support
_**Joi us i makig a differece, oe iteractio at a time.**_
- Teleperformace is hirig Customer Support Agets to start immediately (_**Morig shifts...
Crypto Social Media Manager (Egypt -remote)
We are searchig for a taleted social media maager to represet our compay by buildig a social media presece for our brads. The social media maager...
IT Specialist
Istallig ew software ad hardware compoets.
- Regularly evaluatig our IT systems to esure they meet the ecessary demads.
- Settig up ad maitaiig...
Vsat Field Service Representative - Egypt
The VSAT Field Service Represetative ( Cosultat Or Call-out Egieer) is resposible for providig osite techical support to our projects via the...
Sports Events Specialist
**Compay Descriptio**:
The Sports Evets Specialist desigs ad executes a efficiet atioal evet program o a highly professioal level. He/she is...
Operations Supervisor, Amzl Mena Aces
Experiece maagig teams
- Experiece with plaig, performace metrics, ad process improvemet
- Work a flexible schedule/shift/work area, icludig...