Jobs in Egypt
Nali Sc Transformation Manager
**Job Mai Scope**:
**Job Mai Resposibilities**:
- Lead ad maage trasformatio projects withi the regio's factories, focusig o supply chai optimizatio...
Nali Supply Planning Manager
**Mai Job Scope**:
You will oversee ed-to-ed supply plaig i NALI, optimizig ivetory levels, delivery, ad productio schedulig. Collaborate...
Nali Transformation & Planning Excellence Manager
**Job Mai Scope**:
This role reports to NALI Itegrated Plaig Director, with sigificat scope for autoomous workig, while workig closely with the...
Nali Logistics Manager
**Job Mai Scope**:
I this role, you will be resposible for maagig the full logistics operatios withi the NALI regio. This icludes overseeig primary...
Nali Manufacturing Excellence Manager
**Job Mai Scope**:
The Maufacturig Excellece Maager is resposible for maagig ad drivig the implemetatio of the cotiuous improvemet process...
Nali Innovations &planning Manager
**Job Mai Scope**:
- Develop ad implemet iovatio plaig strategies to foster a culture of cotiuous improvemet ad drive...
Sales Support Specialist- French Speaker
**Sales Support Specialist - Order to Cash**
**Positio Sapshot**:
Locatio: Cairo City, Egypt
Compay: Nestlé Busiess Services.
Senior Data and Research Specialist - Cairo, Egypt
QED group, doig busiess as Q2 Impact, seeks a Seior Data ad Research Specialist who ca leverage their deep techical data sciece ad statistical...
Planning Administrator
**About us**:
We are the idepedet expert i assurace ad risk maagemet. Drive by our purpose, to safeguard life, property, ad the eviromet,...
Avian and Wildlife Ecologists & Technicians
DWB’s core values of Itegrity, Commuity, ad Service uderpi all we do, ad we welcome diversity ad iclusio i our workplace, so we are searchig...