Jobs near Karachi
Marketing Lead
We seek idividuals with Experiece as a Marketig Lead, especially i B2B. Brad developmet, biddig, marketig campaigs, ad coordiatio with cliets...
Senior Tax Manager and Junior Tax Assistant (Karachi)
Idustry:Fiace ad Accouts
Locatio:KarachiJob Title: Seior Tax MaagerA Seior Cosultat of Icome/Sales...
Lead Generation Consultant
We are hirig a dedicated lead geeratio cosultat to provide sales ad marketig support i buildig a pipelie of leads to meet busiess plas, quotas,...
Senior Medical Officer
Job Opportuity: Seior Medical Officer (SMO) at ChildLife Foudatio, Koragi Uit (K5).
Trasport Facilities available oly for Females.ChildLife...
Neonatologist and Senior Medical Officer (Karachi)
Idustry:Health ad Medical
Locatio:KarachiThe Lady Dufferi Hospital, oe of the largest wome’s hospitals i Pakista,...
Senior, Medical Officer and Finance Officer (Karachi)
Idustry: Health ad Medical
Locatio: KarachiThe Lady Dufferi Hospital, oe of the largest wome's hospitals of Pakista with 300 beds, specializes...
Manager Trade Marketing and Activation
Key Resposibilities:
- Look after trade marketig activities icludig Poit of Sale (POS) material placemets, trade iformatio letters etc. through...
Consultant SAP EWM
Cosultat SAP EWM
Resposibilities:·Lead ad actively participate i SAP EWM, LE, ad MM systems implemetatio projects.
Community/Social Media Marketing Manager
We are hirig a Commuity Maager/Social Media Marketig Maager for our Karachi office. The mai job roles ad duties of the positio are listed below:
Chief Guarantee Officer
The Head of Guaratees will lead the developmet, maagemet, ad expasio of the compay’s guaratee products ad services. This role is essetial i...