Jobs near Bahawalpur
Area Manager Bulk Institution Sales
1. Sales Developmet:
Moitorig of Sales performace of Area, Sales developmet to achieve mothly ad aual busiess plas, developig key accouts...
Sales Consultant
Build ad maitai relatioships with cliets· Create compellig sales pitches· Showcase available properties optios through well-orgaized...
Area Manager (Restaurants)
Busiess Developmet:Establish restaurat busiess pla by surveyig restaurat demad.
Cofer with customers ad/or potetial customers.
Operations Manager - Restaurant
Improve the operatioal systems, processes ad policies i support of Restaurats targets -- specifically, support better maagemet reportig, iformatio...
Branch Manager
Note: icetive o sales target
Resposibilities:Issue, maage, ad aalyze required, routie reports icludig ivetory reports, cash cotrol...