Jobs near South Tangerang
Business Analyst
Tangerang Selatan
Resposibilities:Iitial gatherig durig pre-sales.Aalyze ad compile optio solutios.Estimate effort...
Data Analyst
Megumpulka, megolah, da megaalisis data pemasara dari berbagai sumber (olie/offlie) utuk medukug pegambila keputusa strategisMegidetifikasi...
Merchandising Business Analyst Manager
Full timeRole Objective:Maage ad aalyze data related to the merchadisig busiess, develop comprehesive reports, coduct...
Admin Sales
Job Title: Admiistrative Assistat (Admiistratio & Office Support)Employmet Type: Full timeCompay Overview:...
.Net Developer
Mai Resposibilities:Mai job fuctio as Frot Ed ad Back Ed developer.Ruig the process of makig web applicatios...
Business Intelligence Engineer (Officer)
Busiess Itelligece Egieer (Officer)Mathematics, Statistics & Iformatio Scieces (Sciece & Techology)Full timeCollaborate...
Administrasi & Planner R&D
Productio, Plaig & Schedulig (Maufacturig, Trasport & Logistics)Full timeAdd expected salary to your profile for...
Ads Specialist
Digital & Search Marketig (Marketig & Commuicatios)Full timePT. CITRA USAHA LAMINDO is egaged i the distributio....
Admin Sales Staff
Tangerang Selatan
Taggug Jawab:Megelola Market Place seperti Tokopedia, Shopee, dll- Upload katalog produk & harga- Mejawab chat customer-...
Production Manager (Tangerang)
Job Qualificatios:1. Bachelor’s Degree i Mechaical, Idustrial Egieerig or equivalet from reputable uiversity.2. Miimum...