Jobs near Sturmer
Electronics Engineer
Excitig Opportuity for Coceptual Electroics Desigers i Teversham!Joi a cuttig-edge compay at the forefrot of powerboat...
Senior Associate / Legal Director
About The RoleOur Educatio team is recruitig for a Seior Associate or Legal Director to joi the team.The team have extesive, collective...
Head of AI & Robotics
This is a full-time o-site role located i Cambridge for the Head of AI & Robotics at Maikology UK. The role etails overseeig the developmet ad...
Senior Principal Software Architect
We are seekig a bright, ca-do mided Pricipal Software Architect to work i our Architecture ad Techology Group. This group defies the Arm Architecture,...
Head of Private Client
Job Title: Head of Private ClietLocatio: UxbridgeSalary: up to £75,000Job...
Criminal Solicitor - Director
Job Title: Crimial Solicitor (Departmet Supervisor, Heads of Departmet, Director) Locatio: Lodo Salary: £60,000...
Patent Attorney, AI and Machine Learning - UK based
Patet Attorey, AI ad Machie Learig - UK basedLodo, Bristol, Machester or CambridgeMewbur Ellis is the forward-lookig...
Principal System Architect
Arm is buildig the future of computig. From fuelig the smartphoe revolutio to powerig the world's fastest supercomputer, our techology is everywhere...
Head of Information Governance
ESNEFT are lookig for a effective leader to be Head of Service havig resposibility for the leadership, provisio ad developmet of Iformatio...
Development Planning Technical Director (Development)
Developmet Plaig Techical Director (Developmet)Joi to apply for the Developmet Plaig Techical Director (Developmet)...