Jobs near Sint-Laureins
Tekla Designer
For the vacacy as Tekla Desiger, you will perform the followig tasks: As soo as a project is siged i, you will be resposible for the work preparatio...
Site Supervisor Infra
What does your job package ivolve? You will be resposible for the day-to-day maagemet of the site; You lead several teams o the site; You prepare,...
Project Manager
What will your duties as a Calculator look like? You aalyse the teder file. Afterwards, you defie the etire project flow based o your techical...
Project Engineer
You support the project team i terms of plaig, workig methods, equipmet selectio, logistics, etc. You cotribute to assessig teders ad cotractig...
Specifically, what does your day-to-day job etail? You will aalyze ad check icomig price requests. You prepare cost price calculatios i collaboratio...
Site Supervisor
You will be ivolved i all phases of the project: from licece or study, costructio to maiteace. You are preset at preparatory meetigs. You...
Dossierbeheerder Accountancy
Sint michiels
Fuctie Als Dossierbeheerder Accoutacy heb je het volgede takepakket: Volledig beheer va ee klateportefeuille, samegesteld op basis va je...
Site Engineer
We are seekig a dedicated ad detail-orieted Site Egieer to oversee costructio projects ad supervise the costructio team. The successful cadidate...
Project Engineer
Your day as a Project Egieer o site is filled with the followig tasks: Plaig ad orgaisig the work by traslatig a techical Dossier ito...
Site supervisor
At their overseas sites, you are resposible for maagig ad executig team tasks. As a hads-o forema, you offer practical support i assembly,...