London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Service Design and Improvement (Projects) (Grade K)
Job Location
East London, United Kingdom
Job Description
This post is to be funding by existing vacancy within Service Design and Improvement. This post is required to deliver crucial projects within newly established Communities transformation program that align with council and mayoral priorities. Background People Resourcing Board: Business Case for a request to recruit/fill/create new post Page 3 of 4 With Communities being a new directorate, there is an urgent need to set and communicate its strategic direction, respond to and shape corporate priorities cohesively and exploit the newfound synergies across its services (public realm, community safety and culture) more readily. Currently, as you’re aware the strategic resources it pulls on to do these things continue to be shared across a number of teams, hence the need for these roles to have as sole focus on the directorate to expedite the progression of mayoral priorities across the directorate untill a permanent alignment of these service has been agreed and is fully embedded. Key Tasks Liaising with the directorate officers to progress tasks which arise from DLT/CMT/Mayoral and Lead Member 1:1s Liaising with the relevant services to progress tasks allocated to the Corporate Director which relate to corporate governance and compliance Leading on the coordination of tasks which cut across business units Leading on the progression of bespoke projects as directed by the Corporate Director of Communities including support as required regarding the Directorate’s existing transformation projects (e.g. Be Well Transition, Waste Improvement, Integrated Enforcement, Service Reviews and Restructures).
Location: East London, GB
Posted Date: 3/1/2025
Location: East London, GB
Posted Date: 3/1/2025
Contact Information
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