Providence Englewood School Corp


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Job Location

Chicago, IL, United States

Job Description

Section I: General Information

Position Title:




Immediate Supervisor's Position Title:

Executive Director

Fair Labor Standards Act:


Job Summary:

Under the direction of the Executive Director, the Principal manages the overall day-to-day functioning, operation and educational programs of the Prek-8 school, including supervising teachers and other staff, evaluating instruction and pursuing related programs.

Section II: Essential Duties and Responsibilities

Duty/Responsibility No:1

Statement of duty/responsibility:

Supervises licensed and non-licensed academic staff, including providing for performance evaluation and staff development.

Percent of Time:30

Tasks Involved in fulfilling above duty/responsibility:

  • Recruits, interviews and recommends academic staff for employment.
  • Engages faculty and others to plan and participate in recruitment and development.
  • Develops and evaluates the performance of academic staff.
  • Provides feedback on performance and arranges for remedial assistance.
  • Provides work assignments to academic staff and directs their activities.
  • Mobilizes the appropriate academic staff in creating an appropriate instructional and learning environment.
  • Works with faculty and academic staff to identify staff development needs; then, plans, organizes and facilitates programs to improve effectiveness consistent with organizational goals and needs.
  • Initiates professional development.
  • Ensures training of all regular and third party academic staff on skills for collaboration, teaming, consulting and conflict resolution.

Duty/Responsibility No:2

Statement of duty/responsibility:

Administers various PreK-8 education programs, including measurement and evaluation.

Percent of Time:30

Tasks involved in fulfilling above duty/responsibility:

  • Collaborates with the Executive Director in establishing a school culture for learning and envisions and enables instructional and auxiliary programs; plans programs.
  • Schedules courses and activities.
  • Coordinates with other school programs.
  • Provides for student guidance programs and auxiliary services.
  • Utilizes community organizations in response to family needs.
  • Plans comprehensive student activities.
  • Determines needed diagnostic information about students, staff and environment.
  • Examines outcomes related to standards, goals, and priorities.
  • Draws inferences for program revision.
  • Interprets measurements and evaluation.
  • Relates programs to outcomes.
  • Develops equivalent measurements of competence and design accountability mechanisms.

Duty/Responsibility No:3

Statement of duty/responsibility:

Directs the school special education program.

Percent of Time:15

Tasks involved in fulfilling above duty/responsibility:

Coordinates the special education program with the regular education program.

Ensures the proper oversight of service delivery for individual student needs and requirements.

Ensures all required documentation is completed and submitted in a timely manner.

Duty/Responsibility No:4

Statement of duty/responsibility:

Evaluates educational programs and plans curriculum.

Percent of Time:10

Tasks involved in fulfilling above duty/responsibility:

Analyzes the results of the testing/assessment programs.

Monitors individual student progress through special planning meetings.

Collaborates with the leadership team in assessing and recommending programs and services.

Initiates needs analysis and, with the staff, plans and implements a framework for curriculum.

Aligns curriculum and outcomes.

Monitors social and technological developments regarding curriculum.

Modifies curriculum, as needed.

Duty/Responsibility No:5

Statement of duty/responsibility:

Plans and directs school-wide programs.

Percent of Time:5

Tasks involved in fulfilling above duty/responsibility:

Manages after school tutoring program.

Duty/Responsibility No:6

Statement of duty/responsibility:

Assists with the school's budget and facilities.

Percent of Time:5

Tasks involved in fulfilling above duty/responsibility:

Collaborates on the budget process with appropriate staff; prepares budget recommendations and monitors the implementation of the approved budget.

Selects and approves the purchase of materials.

Duty/Responsibility No:7

Statement of duty/responsibility:

Completes all other duties, as directed.

Percent of Time:5

Tasks involved in fulfilling above duty/responsibility:

At the direction of the Executive Director, completes tasks as necessary to provide for ultimate functioning of the school.

Section III: Work Requirement and Characteristics

Education/Knowledge Requirement: Minimum education required to perform adequately in position could reasonably be attained only by completing the following:

Required Education/Training

Degree Information:

Type of degree: (BA, MA, etc..)

BA with Administrative Coursework for licensure or MA

Major field of study or degree emphasis:

Elementary, middle grades or special education teaching with the addition of Administrative coursework necessary for Illinois Administrative Endorsement

Graduate level coursework for Administrative Endorsement or

Essential knowledge and specialized subject knowledge required to perform the essential functions of the job:

  • Best practice instructional and educational theories, trends, strategies, principles and practices; including special education and tiered model delivery of interventions/services
  • Supervisory and management theory, principles and techniques.
  • School procedures and policies governing building administration and management.
  • Policies, procedures, rules and guidelines pertaining to school budget preparation.
  • Child development theories, principles, and concepts.
  • School cultures and values.
  • Knowledge of major curriculum models, especially as related to interpreting school curriculum.
  • Principles and fundamentals of public relations and public involvement.

Required Work Experience in Addition to Formal Education/Training:

At least three years of full-time equivalent teaching experience is required.

Required Supervisory Experience:

Two years experience coordinating or leading instructional programs.


Illinois License Administrative Endorsement

Identify license/certification required upon hiring:

Professional Educator License (PEL) with Administrative Endorsement

Essential Skills Required to Perform the Work

Skilled in:

  • Leadership, including providing purpose and direction for groups and individuals, facilitating the development of a shared vision for the school, and formulating goals and planning changes with the staff by setting priorities in terms of the community, the school, staff, and students.
  • Information collection, including gathering facts and data, seeking knowledge of policies, rules, laws, precedents and practices, managing data flow, and classifying and organizing information for decision making and monitoring.
  • Problem analysis includes analyzing information, framing issues and identifying causes, seeking additional information, framing and reframing possible solutions, demonstrating conceptual flexibility and assisting others in forming opinions.
  • Judgment, including the ability to formulate logical conclusions from quality and timely decisions, adaptability and the ability to prioritize.
  • Organizational oversight, including scheduling work to use resources appropriately to meet goals, scheduling activity flow, monitoring procedures to regulate activities, as well as project deadlines.
  • Implementation, including putting programs into action, facilitating coordination and collaboration of tasks, establishing checkpoints and monitoring progress, providing corrections when required, and supporting those who are responsible.
  • Delegation of authority, including assigning tasks so that they can be accomplished in a timely and appropriate manner, utilizing subordinates appropriately, and follows up on work tasks.
  • Ability to accommodate cognition and achievement differences.
  • Strong written and oral communications.

Responsibility for Direct Supervision of the Following Positions

Titles of Positions Directly Supervised

Instructional staff, including teachers, permanent substitute, instructional coaches, interventionists, librarian, paraprofessionals, case manager, early childhood director. Total # of employees = 41

Physical Job Requirement: Indicates according to essential duties/responsibilities

Physical requirements associated with the position can be best summarized as follows:

Sedentary Work:

Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body.

Compensation details: 100000-125000 Yearly Salary


Location: Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted Date: 7/3/2024
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Providence Englewood School Corp


July 3, 2024
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